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Στρες και Άγχος

«Δεν συνειδητοποιούμε ότι, κάπου μέσα μας όλοι, υπάρχει ένας υπέρτατος εαυτός που είναι αιώνια σε ειρήνη».

Elizabeth Gilbert, “Eat, Pray, Love”

We all know how excessive stress and anxiety affect the way we function in our everyday life. They affect our body, our breathing, our thinking, and behaviour. When we are overly stressed or anxious, it seems like we are on a boat constantly drifting in rough sea during a storm, without a moment of peaceful, calm waters and sunshine. Simple events may cause a storm in a teacup, daily routine becomes a challenge and our relationships with the others become edgy.

Η γνωσιακή νευροεπιστήμη μάς λέει ότι οι σωματικές μας αντιδράσεις ελέγχονται από τις σκέψεις μας.
Οι σκέψεις μας ελέγχουν τα συναισθήματά μας.
Άρα, ποιος ελέγχει τις σκέψεις μας; Εμείς!

In hypnotherapy, we learn how to do exactly that: control our thoughts by changing the language and the pictures we create in our minds to NEW positive ones and succeed in finding inner peace and balance.

Autoimmune Disorders

Sports performance