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How does RTT work?

Breakthroughs in our lives are achieved by understanding and fixing the root cause, rather than just addressing the symptoms of the presenting issue. This is the main reason why RTT® has such a permanent all-pervasive impact, as it erases and eradicates issues that create boundaries and obstacles at the core for life-changing benefits.

Regardless of their issue, clients benefit from applying a particular set of techniques in a specific, personalised way that, almost always, brings about phenomenal changes. These insights provided the foundations for Rapid Transformational Therapy® to emerge as a distinctive and unique therapeutic approach. A single ninety-minute session can achieve powerful results for a range of physical, psychological, and emotional issues and it can be applied to both children and adults. More complicated issues and conditions may require up to three RTT sessions. You also benefit from ongoing support, and supervision.

Some of the issues that Rapid Transformational Therapy has been proven to successfully treat include:

  • Weight reduction
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Sports performance
  • Infertility
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Confidence/Self-esteem
  • Relationships
  • Money blocks

RTT is effective with a broad range of issues and conditions not necessarily listed above.
Get in touch to see how Rapid Transformation Therapy will transform your life.

What Is RTT®?
