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Maggie, London, UK: I had RTT session with Niki regarding physical pain on one side of my body that was getting worse over time. I had physio and tried many different options before but pain kept on coming back. After just one RTT session with Niki and listening to my personal recording, the pain was gone and I felt so much better. I can highly recommend Niki and RTT therapy as this is a very powerful way of healing yourself. Niki is a very professional and experienced therapist that you can completely trust to work with in delivering incredible results.

Lori, Long Island, US: My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for almost three years. Our physical exams were perfect and there was no apparent reason as to why I couldn´t conceive. Honestly? Hypnotherapy hadn´t even crossed my mind. When a friend of mine recommended Niki, I just thought I had nothing to lose. I had been told may times before that I couldn´t conceive because I was stressed and anxious. But in my session with Niki, she guided me to discover something that I had been carrying with me all those years. Initially I was shocked, but then I was amazed at how a certain belief I had about myself prevented me from fulfilling our dream of becoming parents. Now, our baby girl is 6 months old. Thank you Niki!

Oksana, London, UK: I had been battling against myself and my weight since I was a teenager. When my sister suggested I tried a session with Niki, I was sceptical and, in reality, completely ignorant about it. I was worried that I wouldn´t be able to deal with it, that it wouldn´t work with me, that life decided that I should be fat and miserable. From the very first time I talked to Niki, I felt I had a friend, a supportive and kind person who believed in me, despite my doubts and insecurities. I had two sessions with Niki and she supported me for three months after the sessions. I have shed 5 stones and, although I´m on my own now, I´m really focused on reaching my ideal weight. I´m feeling empowered and free. I am grateful to my sister and I am also grateful life has offered me the opportunity to have Niki as a therapist.

Ben, Düsseldorf, Germany: I contacted Niki out of curiosity. I was diagnosed in my 20´s with MS and I wanted to find out how she managed to find stability and lead a normal life having been diagnosed with the same disorder. During the RTT session with Niki, a had a number of revelations about myself, my life, my beliefs. I showed a lot or resistance during the process, but Niki never gave up on me. I was, let´s say, in disbelief how someone who didn´t know me believed so much in me, while I myself had already given up on the idea of my life becoming better. Niki has shown me kindness and so much humanity. She is a very humane, dedicated and competent therapist and it becomes obvious to us, from the very first time we meet her, that our well-being is her mission. RTT is quite different to traditional hypnotherapy. It´s like someone switching on the lights where others are just holding a lantern. Now, I am free of antidepressants and back on having my daily walks.

Margarida, Lisbon, Portugal: My 12-year-old daughter had been suffering from constipation for over two years. All her medical exams were normal, so we changed her diet and the situation became better, but there were times where her digestive system would not function properly, and that prevented her from participating in sports activities and brought a lot of discomfort especially during her period. A common friend recommended Niki. I wasn´t sure whether RTT would be appropriate for children but I decided to contact her and find out more about her method. My daughter had one session with Niki and she listened to the recording every night before going to sleep. I thought it was too good to be true. I recommend Niki and RTT as an effective therapy. It´s too good and it´s true!


I had RTT session with Niki regarding physical pain on one side of my body that was getting worse over time. I had physio and tried many different options before but pain kept on coming back. After just one RTT session with Niki and listening to my personal recording, the pain was gone and I felt so much better. I can highly recommend Niki and RTT therapy as this is a very powerful way of healing yourself. Niki is a very professional and experienced therapist that you can completely trust to work with in delivering incredible results.
London, UK
Thursday, August 31, 2017